Saturday, February 22, 2020

Day 1-- Saturday, February 22

Right now I am at the Seattle airport waiting for the next flight. I just ate lunch (a hamburger w/o a bun) and now we are going check into our flight. The flight is going to be very long but hopefully I will be able to sleep. I am so excited to get to Iceland because we so many fun activities planned.


We just landed in Seattle and are about to eat lunch. I ordered a burger with some fries and a milkshake :)! We've already done a lot of bonding, just at the airport and on the plane!! We played some card games, and chatted with each other. Tali and I have gotten started on our Mandarin Journals and we listened to Taylor Swift together!! After we got off the flight, Julia and I toured the airport together and scouted out the various Starbucks located throughout the airport :).We are all super excited for Iceland. It's going to be so much fun!! Now we have a 7 hour flight, after which we will start Day 1 of our adventures in Iceland. Better get some sleep on the plane! - Eddy

Greetings from Seattle,

 This morning was quite the frenzy. But, thankfully, everyone arrived and got to Seattle. I bought some food for the plane, and spent the time reading and drawing. All it will take is a seven hour flight to Iceland, and we will arrive. But, it will be morning, and we will have gotten no sleep. I just finished my ramen. Now we're just waiting for our flight. -Lohan

Hello everyone,

We have arrived in Seattle after a long 2 hour flight from San Francisco, which we then proceeded to walk to our gate. I bought some chicken tenders from Greedy Cow Burger, and I must say they were quite delectable. On the flight here, I mostly read and fiddled with my watch. Though on this next flight I must prepare myself for a longer journey, which will end with an arrival early in the morning. I hope I can sleep on the flight and I can't wait to see Iceland for myself! - Jude

At last, after what seemed like forever, we have just landed in Seattle. I've grown closer with some of my classmates. We now have a 7 our flight ahead. While this initially seemed quite daunting, it now feels more manageable due to my recent discovery of "Dream Water". It seems like just yesterday when we were planning on going to Shanghai. I cant wait to arrive at Iceland. -Aziz

Hi everyone!
We just landed in Seattle, and grabbed a quick lunch before we catch our next flight to Iceland! Everyone is super excited to land, and can't wait to start the activities there! We will be landing very early in the morning, so hopefully we can all get some sleep and be well rested for the next day. It is a 7 hour flight, but hopefully it will go by quickly if we all fall asleep. -Saskia

We just finished our lunch in Seattle (I had a burger and fries that my dad would love) and are waiting to board for Iceland. I am not super excited about the longer flight but I hope it will go by fast. I am having fun so far and am looking forward to heading right into our activities. Our group has named our panda Stanley after Flat Stanley and we have already started vlogging and taking pictures to share later! Can't wait to see you soon;) - Julia

This morning was a bit tiring and nerve racking but the plane flight was actually pretty relaxing and fun. We got to Seattle a bit late but we ate lunch, hung out, and got a few snacks. We are going to board the seven hour flight to Iceland pretty soon which will hopefully be a sleepful flight. Kind of nervous about the cold weather but I'm so excited otherwise. See you there!-Tali

We just came off the plane from San Francisco to Seattle, and the flight wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm still not looking forward to the seven hour flight in a few minutes, though. Hopefully I can sleep enough to be able to hike a few hours after I get off that seven hour flight. Can't wait to get to Iceland! -Josh

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Day 7-- Friday, February 28

Hi! Today is our last day in Iceland! We started off the day with a relaxing morning - we were able to sleep in and play some card games be...